
Starting from March 2025, our company will be renamed “SORA Corporation,” offering a more diverse range of services and adding corresponding languages. This website will be closed upon the expiration of the service.

↓↓New official website under construction↓↓


About ·Real Holdings

Real Holdings is an investment consulting company that assists clients from various locations with diverse needs in Japan, including real estate investment, home purchases, and business start-up support. Our services also include, but are not limited to, the purchase of entire buildings, B&B operations, and other escrow and property management services.

Investment Advisor

We specialize in real estate investment and B&B operations in Japan

Consignment Services

We offer comprehensive support and assistance.

Administrative Services

Assistance with company formation, business management, and visa applications in Japan

Language Assistance

Our company employs multiple multilingual staff to address any language-related issues.

Dedicated service

Our personalized service ensures that you receive attention from a dedicated expert.

Multifaceted Support

Whether you are looking to relocate, start a business, or invest, feel free to inquire.

Comprehensive Services for Broader and More Extensive Support

If you need to establish a company in Japan, apply for a business management visa, or handle immigration or entrepreneurial procedures, please leave it to us to manage.

We have multiple foreign language specialists who can resolve language barriers for international clients. By communicating in their native language, we assist clients in finding real estate that meets their needs and provide relevant information.

We will continue to expand our service areas and languages to adapt to global needs and provide more comprehensive support.

Our Real-Life Examples

One of our clients from Taiwan plans to purchase a guesthouse for investment purposes but does not intend to immigrate to Japan. In this situation, you may consider our company's guesthouse project, which has been fully renovated and includes all furniture and home appliances, with all necessary licenses approved. After purchase, you can immediately operate the guesthouse, and the ongoing management can be fully entrusted to the agents introduced by our company.

Real Estate Buying and Selling


Address 大阪市中央区高麗橋2丁目 Floor plan 38/42 Total Units Land Area Floor Area 85.79㎡ Layout 2Bedrooms 1Livingroom 1Bathroom 1Washroom Year Build 2020/2 Note Closest Station 堺筋線 「北浜」sta


Address:福岡市博多区中洲中島町3-15 Floor plan:20 Total Units:174 Floor Area:236.4㎡ Layout: Top floor,2BedRoom、LivingRoom、1Washroom、1Bathroom Year Build:2006 Note:- Closest Station:中州川端駅 7min


Address ⼤阪市阿倍野区北畠2丁⽬ Floor plan 3 Total Units 1 Land Area 344.8 Floor Area 212.34 Layout 4Bedrooms 1Livingroom 2Bathroom 1Washroom Year Build 2018 Note Closest Station


Address 大阪市中央区高麗橋2丁目 Floor plan 38/42 Total Units Land Area Floor Area 85.79㎡ Layout 2Bedrooms 1Livingroom 1Bathroom 1Washroom Year Build 2020/2 Note Closest Station 堺筋線 「北浜」sta


Address:福岡市博多区中洲中島町3-15 Floor plan:20 Total Units:174 Floor Area:236.4㎡ Layout: Top floor,2BedRoom、LivingRoom、1Washroom、1Bathroom Year Build:2006 Note:- Closest Station:中州川端駅 7min


Address ⼤阪市阿倍野区北畠2丁⽬ Floor plan 3 Total Units 1 Land Area 344.8 Floor Area 212.34 Layout 4Bedrooms 1Livingroom 2Bathroom 1Washroom Year Build 2018 Note Closest Station

【Guesthouse】天下茶屋 TOMO

Address 大阪市西成區潮路1丁目 Floor plan 3 Total Units 1 Land Area 60.88㎡ Floor Area 158.05㎡ Layout 6Bedrooms 1Livingroom 2Bathroom 2Washroom Year Build 1984/5 Note Closest Station

【One building】パルク七皇長居公園

Address 大阪市東住吉区南田辺5丁目 Floor plan 6 Total Units 38 Land Area 340.82㎡ Floor Area Layout Bedrooms Livingroom Bathroom Washroom Year Build 1985/4 Note Closest Station 近鉄南大阪線

【One building】シャルム西九条

Address 大阪市此花区西九条3丁目 Floor plan 6 Total Units 24 Land Area 210.77㎡ Floor Area Layout Year Build 1984/11 Note Closest Station JR環状線 西九条sta 2min walk 阪神なんば線 西九条sta 2min walk

【One building】ルネ市岡

Address 大阪市港区南市岡1丁目 Floor plan 4 Total Units 42 Land Area 396.69㎡ Floor Area Layout Year Build 1986/4 Note Closest Station

【Guesthouse】天下茶屋 TOMO

Address 大阪市西成區潮路1丁目 Floor plan 3 Total Units 1 Land Area 60.88㎡ Floor Area 158.05㎡ Layout 6Bedrooms 1Livingroom 2Bathroom 2Washroom Year Build 1984/5 Note Closest Station

【One building】パルク七皇長居公園

Address 大阪市東住吉区南田辺5丁目 Floor plan 6 Total Units 38 Land Area 340.82㎡ Floor Area Layout Bedrooms Livingroom Bathroom Washroom Year Build 1985/4 Note Closest Station 近鉄南大阪線

【One building】シャルム西九条

Address 大阪市此花区西九条3丁目 Floor plan 6 Total Units 24 Land Area 210.77㎡ Floor Area Layout Year Build 1984/11 Note Closest Station JR環状線 西九条sta 2min walk 阪神なんば線 西九条sta 2min walk

【One building】ルネ市岡

Address 大阪市港区南市岡1丁目 Floor plan 4 Total Units 42 Land Area 396.69㎡ Floor Area Layout Year Build 1986/4 Note Closest Station

Inquiry form

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